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  Choose a topic within the group/team communication research realm that interests you. *I’d suggest also related to your planned Convocation paper topic


Choose a topic within the group/team communication research realm that interests you. *I’d suggest also related to your planned Convocation paper topic. YOU MUST HAVE THE TOPIC APPROVED BY ME BEFORE BEGINNING.

This should be secondary research. You are not writing a proposal to conduct, nor conducting methodical, primary research for this paper.


  • 8-10 pages of content, typed, 12-point font, Times New Roman or Calibri, double-spaced
  • Standard U.S. English grammar is required (punctuation, too)
  • APA 7th Professional style
  • Include title page, abstract and references
  • Must include 8-10 academic quality sources
  • Do not submit AI produced nor plagiarized work

You should already have an 7th ed APA manual, but if you don’t, get one. You will use it for every graduate course you take. Follow its guidelines precisely.

Topic:  Nonverbal cues in virtual meeting. Make sure you focus on one area. 

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