chrck file NAME: Political Science 2041 (online) U.S. National Government Dr. Paul A.

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Political Science 2041

U.S. National Government

Dr. Paul A. Labedz


Directions: Use the Internet to answer the following questions concerning the United States House of Representatives as well as questions regarding the personal, professional, and legislative background of one of its members.

Note: The instructor will assign each student a different member of the U.S. House of Representatives.
This assignment must be submitted via the assignment submission function in Canvas. The due date can be found on the course syllabus and in a class announcement. Assignments submitted late will not be accepted.

General Information on the U.S. House of Representatives

(Each question is worth 2 points, with the exception of question 5; Total: 16 points)

1) How many
total (
read: representatives, delegates, resident commissioner) members are there in the United States House of Representatives?

2) Out of the
total membership in the U.S. House, how many individuals are members of the Democratic Party?

3) Out of the
total membership in the U.S. House, how many individuals are members of the Republican Party?

4) Out of the
total membership in the U.S. House, how many individuals can be classified as Independents?

5) How many members of the state of Florida’s delegation to the U.S. House of Representatives are members of:

a.) The Republican Party?

b.) The Democratic Party?

6) How many women (both
voting & non-voting) currently serve in the U.S. House of Representatives?

7) How many

members of the U.S. House of Representatives can be classified as being a part of the following minority ethnic groups: Asian, African-American, Hispanic?

Information on selected members of the U.S. House of Representatives

General& Professional Background Information (Each question is worth 2 points. Total: 16 points)

1) Name of Representative (assigned by instructor)?

2) What is the representative’s political party affiliation?

3) What legislative district does this Representative serve?

4) Which counties comprise this legislative district?

5) Who did this representative run against in the 2022 elections for a seat in the U.S. House of Representatives?

6) What percentage of the total vote from his/her legislative district did this Congressman receive in the 2022 election?

7) Describe the representative’s educational background?

8) What was the representative’s occupation prior to becoming a member of the U.S. House? If he/she had previous experience in government, in what capacity did he/she serve?

Congressional Information (Each question is worth 2 points, with the exception of questions 3 & 5; Total: 18 points)

1) When was this representative first elected to the United States House of Representatives?

2) What is (1) one standing committee that this representative serves on for the 118th U.S. Congress?

3) On the standing committee that you listed for question 2, how many members of the committee are:

a.) Members of the Democratic Party?

b.) Members of the Republican Party?

From your answer in question 2, indicate (1) one subcommittee on which this representative is a member?

5) From the subcommittee that you listed for question 4, how many members of the committee are:

a.) Members of the Democratic Party?

b.) Members of the Republican Party?

6) What is (1) one piece of legislation that was either sponsored or co-sponsored by this representative in the 117th or 118th Congress?

7) What is (1) one type of constituency service that is offered by this representative?

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