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Click back to the Chart2 worksheet tab. Open the file provided in Step 1 via the download link. It may be beneficial to follow the professor’s live

  • Click back to the Chart2 worksheet tab.
  • Open the file provided in Step 1 via the download link. It may be beneficial to follow the professor’s live meeting (or recording available on Tuesday of the week).
  • Click the plus (+) sign to add another worksheet and name it Visualization1.
  • Save your file with your name included in the file name.
  • Click back to the Chart1 tab.
  • Create the three trend lines for the sales for each product.
  • Format the Chart in a professional manner.
  • Copy or move the chart to the Visualization1 worksheet tab.
  • Below the chart, write two to three sentences in the same Visualization worksheet that explains what this data is saying.
  • Save your Excel file.
  • Move to Step 3.

Step 3: Evaluating Data by Regions via Different Chart Types

  • Click back to the Chart2 worksheet tab.
  • Click the plus (+) sign to add another worksheet and name it Visualization2.
  • Click back to the Chart2 worksheet tab.
  • Create a pie chart. Format the chart to be professional looking. Include Percentages.
  • Create a bar chart. Format the chart to be professional looking. Include the Values.
  • Create a column chart. Format the chart to be professional looking. Include the Values.
  • Copy or move the charts to the Visualization2 worksheet tab.
  • Below the charts, write three to five sentences in the same Visualization worksheet that explains what this data is saying for each chart. Explain how each type of chart tells a different story of the data.
  • Save your Excel file.
  • Move to Step 4.

Step 4: Evaluating Grades by Subject via Column Charts

  • Click back to the Chart3 worksheet tab.
  • Click the plus (+) sign to add another worksheet and name it Visualization3.
  • Click back to the Chart3 worksheet tab.
  • Create a column chart. Format the chart to be professional looking.
  • Copy or move the chart to the Visualization3 worksheet tab.
  • Below the chart, write two to three sentences in the same Visualization worksheet that explains what this data is saying for this type of chart.
  • Save your Excel file.
  • Move to Step 5.

Step 5: Chart Creation Based on Averages

  • Click back to the Chart1 worksheet tab.
  • Click the plus (+) sign to add another worksheet and name it Visualization4.
  • Click back to the Chart1 worksheet tab.
  • Add a column to include the average sales for each product line in dollars.
  • Create a pie chart reflecting averages of each product line. Format the chart to be professional looking. Include percentages.
  • Copy or move the chart to the Visualization4 worksheet tab.
  • Below the chart, write two to three sentences in the same Visualization worksheet that explains what this data is saying for this type of chart.
  • Save your Excel file.
  • Move to Step 6.

Step 6: Complete and Submit Work

Submit a Microsoft Excel file that includes lab Steps 2, 3, 4, and 5

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