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 Collapse SubdiscussionTiffany Stock Tiffany Stock YesterdayJun 19 at 9:40pmManage Discussion Entry Post one: Hello Class,  This week, we learn about

 Collapse SubdiscussionTiffany Stock

Tiffany Stock

YesterdayJun 19 at 9:40pmManage Discussion Entry

Post one:

Hello Class,

 This week, we learn about Neurodevelopmental Disorders. I wanted to look more into autism spectrum disorder. With autism spectrum disorder on my side of the family, and out of 9 grandkids that my mom has, we have two that are borderline and one that is full-blown autistic. This is a disorder that I am still learning to this day.

 “Neurodevelopmental disorder is a group of conditions with onset in the developmental period.” (DSM-5). This disorder goes hand in hand with other disorders. So, like someone with autism, they may often have an intellectual developmental disorder. Neurodevelopmental disorders can also co-occur with different mental and behavioral disorders. This disorder “varies from specific limitations of learning or control of executive functions to global impairments of social skills or intellectual ability” (DSM-5).

 In the case study of Dominic, who is 59 years old, it is said that he has a neurodevelopmental disorder. This could contribute to criminal behavior because Dominic will talk, he will make inappropriate jokes, and sometimes he will consume pornography. If when he speaks, it is unacceptable, then someone might take it the wrong way, not knowing that he has a disorder. There is no established cause of the association between brain pathology and violent behavior.

 Autism spectrum disorder is a language impairment. Now, like the two kids in our family that have this, they can talk, hang out with their friends, etc. The kid with it fully can’t speak; he holds his head from the side. We found out he had this when he was about one year old. He is so intelligent that he could swim in a pool 12 feet deep without safety by the time he was one. Yes, we would be in the pool with him. He would swim underwater and dive off the diving board. He teaches us something new every day.

 Forensic psychiatry will provide treatment for the person who has severe mental disorders. “Early studies did suggest co-occurring conditions in a large sample, n=394 in mentally ill offenders that do have ASD” (PMC).

Tiffany Stock


Bjorn Hofvander et al.-(Aug 9, 2023)-autism spectrum disorders in forensic psychiatric investigations-patterns of comorbidity and criminality-

to an external site.

American Psychiatric Association. (2013). Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (5th ed.).

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