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Collect an Internet article related to Developmental Psychology. You are to summarize the information in the article, care the information to what the text

Collect an Internet article related to Developmental Psychology. You are to summarize the information in the article, care the information to what the text says about the topic covered in the article, and then write a personal reaction. You must include the internet site where you found the article. 

Followed Guidelines

Handed in on time, labeled sections with the Internet Source first, then the summary, then the comparison, then the critique. The topic was appropriate and related to the course. Current information (within last 3 years), Original article (doesn’t look like anyone else’s)

Article entry

summary: brief but complete. Comparison: compare/contrast with specific text information, and page numbers included in the textbook (Discovering the Lifespan). Critique: includes personal opinion, experience, other information the student knows about the subject, and suggestions for further research.

Written report

Typed, double spaced with 1″ margins print is dark and easy to read, standard size font, correct sentence construction, and use of paragraphs, correct spelling, grammar, and punctuation, quotes, paragraphs, and summaries cited correctly

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