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 Consider the readings and the Core Principles from the 2022 Ethical Code for Behavior Analysts in section 6. Look at the ethical code and individual

 Consider the readings and the Core Principles from the 2022 Ethical Code for Behavior Analysts in section 6. Look at the ethical code and individual elements being discussed for the week. Do a search for a current event or news story that highlights a violation of one of the specific elements addressed during the week.  Because behaviorism addresses all  human behavior across disciplines and environments, you may search broadly. Post the article as a link or a document for your classmates and briefly summarize the news story;  give a behavioral interpretation of the occurrence or event. What was the human behavior(s) occurring?   Was this behavior ethical through the lens of the BACB Ethical code for Behavior Analysts?  If our Ethical Code were applied to this story, what would the violation be?

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