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 Consumer Engagement Education Plan  Creating A Consumer Engagement Education Plan Can you create an outline for

 Consumer Engagement Education Plan 

Creating A Consumer Engagement Education Plan

Can you create an outline for a patient presentation A description of how the electronic health record (EHR) helps the patient take charge of their own healthcare, how to access their personal health information (PHI) and request amendments, and how patients can contribute data to their health record. Can you provide three concepts that you will cover for each area above? 

In this assignment, you will create an outline for a patient presentation on:

· A description of how the electronic health record (EHR) helps the patient take charge of their own healthcare.

· Details on how to access their personal health information (PHI) and request amendments.

· Details on how patients can contribute data to their health record.

For your outline, provide three concepts that you will cover for each area above!

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