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Cost-Benefit Analysis Read the following presentations from the CDC. These valuable presentations provide clarity on the

Cost-Benefit Analysis

Read the following presentations from the CDC. These valuable presentations provide clarity on the principles and details of cost-benefit analysis in health care and what impact they have on an organization’s bottom line. These presentations are a must-read for understanding cost-benefit analysis as it relates to health care.


Assessment 3: Cost-Benefit Analysis
 reading list.

Risk Assessment


Assessment 3: Risk Assessment
 reading list.

Cost-Benefit and Risk Assessment

Click the button below to complete the microlearning activity. This activity will provide you with the opportunity to practice and review your understanding of cost-benefit analyses and risk assessments, as well as your understanding of how to communicate the findings to relevant stakeholders.

Economic Valuation


Assessment 3: Economic Valuation
 reading list.



Health Care Finance, Economics, and Policy for Nurses

· Chapter 5, “The Role of Information in Health Care Markets and Decision-Making.”

· This chapter illustrates the types of information that can be used to inform various analyses and decision-making.


Assessment 3: Cost-Effectiveness
 reading list.

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