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COUC 691 Benchmark Support Groups and Treatment Groups Compare and Contrast Paper Support Groups and Treatment Groups

COUC 691

Benchmark Support Groups and Treatment Groups Compare and Contrast Paper

Support Groups and Treatment Groups Instructions

During this class you have been required to visit a
minimum of

meeting each of Alcoholics Anonymous (AA), Narcotics Anonymous (NA), and Al-Anon (support groups). Now you will write a paper that compares and contrasts addiction support groups with therapy (treatment) groups.

Your paper will be at least 8-10 pages long (
not including title and reference pages [NOTE: Current APA style is expected. The paper should include an abstract. There should be at least 8-scholarly, academic sources. The textbook CANNOT be used. The other sources can be materials related to AA, NA, or Al-Anon in specific that you may have obtained from the meetings or in other ways.

Address the following required elements in your paper:

Support Group Brief History
(introduce and discuss each support group AA, NA, & AlAnon and their origins; how long have they existed; important individuals and milestones in their development; present status; future directions, goals, etc.). There should be a separate sub-section for each- AA, NA, and AlAnon.

Support Group Meeting Structure and Function
(what is the basic structure of a support group meeting; what is the “leader’s” role; how does the group recognize success stories; what do they do for relapses, etc.)

Addiction Therapy Groups Brief History (how long have they existed; important individuals and milestones in the development of these groups; goals of these therapy groups; important milestones; future directions; present status)

Addiction Therapy Groups Meeting Structure and Function
(what are the different types of addiction therapy groups and their different purposes; what are the group facilitator’s roles; what are the roles of the group members; what is the process of group, etc.)

Compare and Contrast Support Groups with Addiction Therapy Groups (
how are they similar; how are they different; what are the strengths and limitations of support groups; what are the strengths and limitations of addiction therapy groups; is a multi-cultural focus addressed in either of these- if so how?; is a spiritual aspect addressed in either of these- if so how?

(what you learned; how could you use/facilitate support group utilization in your work/practice in the future; how could you use/facilitate therapy groups in your work/practice in the future. Etc.)

The format for the body of your SGS on the following page is strongly recommended for your use.

Assignment Template

Support Groups and Treatment Groups

Give a couple of paragraphs of the introduction to the assignment. Similar to the abstract, describe the nature of the assignment, a brief summary of what you did in terms of attendance at meetings, etc., and how your paper is organized. Then, proceed to the next section.

Support Groups

For each of the three types of support groups (AA, NA, Al-Anon), use Level 2 headings to make sure you address the required content. Use a couple of sentences to introduce this section. Do NOT include any details from the meetings attended in this section so that confidentiality is not broken. This information should be research based.

Brief History of Support Support

Now address the elements of this section for each of the support groups.

Meeting Structure and Function

Address the elements of this section for each support group.

Addiction Therapy Groups

Use Level 2 headings to make sure you address the required content. Use a couple of sentences to introduce this section.

Brief History of Therapy Groups

Now address the elements for this section

Therapy Groups Meeting Structure and Function

Now address the elements for this section

Compare and Contrast

See details given above on what should be addressed here


See details above on what should be addressed here

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