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Create a Microsoft PowerPoint presentation, featuring your own example of replacement analysis (Chapter 11). Your example must include specific numbers and

Create a Microsoft PowerPoint presentation, featuring your own example of replacement analysis (Chapter 11). Your example must include specific numbers and calculations.

Essential Activities:

Reading Chapter 11, sections 1-3 in Blank & Tarquin will assist you in preparing your presentation.

Reviewing slides for Chapter 11 will assist you in preparing your presentation.


Create a Microsoft PowerPoint presentation, featuring your own example of replacement analysis (Chapter 11). Your example must include specific numbers and calculations. Your example can be similar in setup and content to the examples featured on the slides in Chapter 11, but there must be enough differences to make your example useful for other students to go over. More specifically, you need to make more changes than just changing numbers in one of the examples found on the slides. If you want to start with an example from the slides, find at least one element that you change, for example add another variable, or modify something about the nature of the variables given. Alternatively, you can take a textbook example, from the body of the text or the end-of-chapter problems, and set it up on your slide. You can have one or more slides. Your slides must look professional, and the numbers and letters must be large enough to be legible on the video recording for full points. The overriding objective of your presentation is to create an engaging and useful example for other students, that they will learn from; this will be my main consideration when assigning your grade. Please refer to the Presentation Rubric under the Course Information tab for more detail regarding grading the presentation.

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