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Current Issues For this assignment, you are to find a news article that discusses or depicts a current issue involving older adults, provide a

Current Issues

For this assignment, you are to find a news article that discusses or depicts a current
issue involving older adults, provide a summary of the article, how it relates to the class
topic, and your thoughts/opinion/questions after reading the article. You are welcome
to find articles in local/national news, pop culture news, etc. I just ask that the
article is no more than 5 years old. Submit your assignment as a Word document.
You will receive full credit for the assignment if you include the following:

• The link to the article (2 point)
• The year the article was published (2 point)
• The article is no more than 5 years old (2 point)
• The submission clearly indicates separated sections for the article
summary, relation to the readingsand videos, and your thoughts and
opinions, [see Current Issues template for example (2 points)
• Each section (summary; relating article to readings and videos; your
thoughts/opinions/questions) contains no more than 5 sentences that are
written clearly and contain little to no grammatical errors (5 points)
• Identify how this article relates to the class readings/videos from the week
(5 points)
• Your thoughts, opinions, or questions after reading the article (4 points)

Videos and Readings:
2. page

3. Health Literacy, Health Disparities, and Sources of Health Information in U.S.

Older Adults. Cutilli et al., 2018.pdf
Current Issues #[Insert Current Issues #]: [Insert Topic of the week]

Article Link: [Insert article link]

Year of article publication: [year]

Summary: [No more than 5 sentences summarizing the article with little to no

grammatical errors]

Relating article to readings/videos: [No more than 5 sentences relating this article to the

topic of the week*].

*Do not just say that the article relates to the weekly topic (e.g., “the article on
exercise in old age relates to this weeks topic because it is about physical
heath,disease, and longevity”). Rather, talk about how the concepts you read about in
the article relate to what you learned about in your assigned readings/videos from that

My thoughts/opinions/questions: [insert your thoughts/opinions/questions].

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