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Cyber Paper Writing(1.5 pages) In 300+ words, reflect on this week’s learning.  Essential Activities:  1. Watch the Podcast, 

Cyber Paper Writing(1.5 pages)

In 300+ words, reflect on this week’s learning. 

Essential Activities: 

1. Watch the Podcast, 

Up in the Air” with Dr. Brandon McIver
. Then read 

Red Team vs. Blue Team in Cybersecurity
 to answer this question:  Does teaming help organizations? Why or why not?

2. Reviewing the Coursera material


1. This paper must be formatted in APA Style 7th edition.

2. Please refer to the written assignment rubric on the start here tab for this paper.

3. This paper is due Sunday at 11:59 PM EST.

Reference links:

Data Mining : (2 pages)

When we pose questions like ‘How much data is too much data to mine?’ we are in pursuit of precise knowledge. Please identify a specific information system for data mining and explain an issue that the system might encounter when dealing with big data.

When evaluating an analytics tool like Tableau, with a particular focus on its mapping capabilities, the significance of the information it generates becomes apparent. Describe how Tableau’s mapping features can be applied to predict outcomes, such as sales in a specific region, the ideal location for a new company branch, or the potential sales of a new product.

Provide an exploration of analytics by defining the concept and detailing the various types of analytics that exist.

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