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 Deliverable: Problem Investigation Summary : talk about a job you worked at, and don’t use the letter “I” talking about your job in this

 Deliverable: Problem Investigation Summary : talk about a job you worked at, and don’t use the letter “I” talking about your job in this assignment.

 Team will get to know each other on a deeper level by giving an insight into our past and individual team experiences by understanding what Global Teams and Virtuous Leadership are, what challenges may occur when team members do not know one another, what “effective” means, and what tools and resources have each team member used in teamwork. 

 Prior Knowledge, Information, and Resources: 

 What does a global team require? 

 What do you know about virtuous leadership? 

 What challenges are associated with teams who do not know each other well? 

 What does effective mean? 

 What tools and resources have you used for teamwork in the past? 


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