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Describe the Sun Coast data using the descriptive statistics tools discussed in the unit lesson. Establish whether assumptions are met to use parametric

Describe the Sun Coast data using the descriptive statistics tools discussed in the unit lesson. Establish whether assumptions are met to use parametric statistical procedures. Repeat the tasks below for each tab in the Sun Coast research study data set. Utilize the Unit IV Scholarly Activity template.

You will utilize the Microsoft Excel ToolPak. The links to the ToolPak are in the Course Project Guidance document.

Here are some of the items you will cover.

  • Produce a frequency distribution table and histogram
  • Generate descriptive statistics table, including measures of central tendency (mean, median, and mode), kurtosis, and skewness.
  • Describe the dependent variable measurement scale as nominal, ordinal, interval, or ratio
  • Analyze, evaluate, and discuss the above descriptive statistics in relation to assumptions required for parametric testing. Confirm whether the assumptions are met or are not met. 

The title and reference pages do not count toward the page requirement for this assignment. This assignment should be no less than five pages in length, follow APA-style formatting and guidelines, and use references and citations as necessary.

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