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  Describing, Diagnosing, & Treatment of Skin, Eye, & Ear Disorders 1. Describe


Describing, Diagnosing, & Treatment of Skin, Eye, & Ear Disorders

1. Describe dermatitis, diagnostic criteria, and treatment modalities

2. Describe the drug therapy for Conjunctivitis and Otitis Media 

3. Discuss Herpes Virus infections, patient presentation, and treatment

4. Describe the most common primary bacterial skin infections and the treatment of choice. 

Submission Instructions:

· Your initial post should be at least 
500 words, formatted and cited in the current APA style with support from at least 4 academic sources. 

· Each question 
must be answered individually as in bullet points. 
Not in an essay format. 

· Example: Question 1, followed by the answer to question 1; Question 2, followed by the answer to question 2; and so forth. 

· Due Wednesday 22nd at 11:59pm


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