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Description Bonomi, L., Jiang, X., & Ohno-Machado, L. (2020). Protecting patient privacy in survival analyses. Journal of the American Medical


Bonomi, L., Jiang, X., & Ohno-Machado, L. (2020). Protecting patient privacy in survival analyses. Journal of the American Medical Informatics Association, 27(3), 366–375.

Discuss your response to this survival analysis study. Do you have the same concerns as the researchers regarding the patient privacy issues when presenting actuarial/survival analysis tables? Do you have other suggestions regarding protecting patient privacy within a study? this the questions


/Module 13: Discussion hcm 563 3 file 

Go to the World Health Organization Online Classifications of Disease page and use ICD-10 (2016) to code 10 ailments of your choosing on pages 209-218. Include the number, illness, and code in your response. Describe your experience using the manual and your impression of coding. Why is coding necessary in health insurance?


/Module 13: Discussion hcm 515 3 file 

For this discussion, we examine informed consent for different types of consent for treatment and research.  Assume that a patient has arrived at the hospital unconscious in need of emergency surgery. In this situation, providing the patient with informed consent would not be possible.  What steps should then occur to protect the facility from any lawsuits or allegations of failure to provide proper informed consent?   Be sure to include legal and ethical ramifications in this situation.

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