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Description College of Health Sciences Department of Health Informatics HCI-316-ASSIGNMENT Course name: E-Health Course


College of Health Sciences
Department of Health Informatics
Course name:
Course number:
Assignment title or
E-Health Instruments: Empowering Consumers in Their
Health Journey
Student name:
Students ID Number:
Submission date:
Instructor name:
Fatimah Alamer
College of Health Sciences
Department of Health Informatics
E-Health Instruments: Empowering Consumers in Their Health Journey
In this essay, you will explore the diverse landscape of e-health instruments available to
consumers. Your task is to:

Describe the main types of e-health instruments used in the consumer sphere. Classify them into
meaningful categories based on their functionalities or target areas (e.g., monitoring
devices, fitness trackers, mental health apps).

Provide examples: Briefly discuss several specific examples within each category, highlighting
their key features and potential uses.

Analyze benefits: Focus on one e-health instrument of your choice. In-depth, critically analyze its
potential benefits for consumers, considering aspects like accessibility, empowerment, and
improved health outcomes. Refer to relevant academic research and evidence to support your
Specific Requirements:

Structure: Organize your essay using clear headings, subheadings, and transitions to ensure logical
flow and easy understanding.

Length: Aim for a word count between 800 and 900 words.

Referencing: Use APA style to cite at least three academic sources (e.g., peer-reviewed journal
articles, relevant textbook chapters) that support your claims and enhance the depth of your

Cover page: Use the provided SEU cover page for submission.

Formatting: Adhere to standard academic formatting guidelines, including double-spacing, clear
font, and proper margins.
Additional Notes:

Feel free to draw insights and references from the assigned textbook and other sources.

While focusing on one instrument for in-depth analysis, ensure your overview section adequately
covers the main categories and examples of other widely used e-health tools.

Tailor your writing style to an academic audience, maintaining a neutral and objective tone while
providing compelling arguments and insightful analysis.
College of Health Sciences
Department of Health Informatics
This assignment is an opportunity to showcase your understanding of e-health technologies, their
impact on consumer empowerment, and your ability to critically evaluate their potential benefits
based on evidence-based research.

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