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Description College of Health Sciences Group presentation Group guidelines: • Create the group presentation (5- 6) member in each group and


College of Health Sciences
Group presentation
Group guidelines:

Create the group presentation (5- 6) member in each group and each
group should be assign by the leader from the group.
• Each group should prepare a presentation of one of the following
problem statements:
1- Shortage of the Medical staff (physician -nurses).
2- Medication error.
3- Newborn abduction from the nursery
4- Failure to Take the Needed Precautions (Medical workers fail to
take the precautions they need to keep a patient safe, which can
lead to falls. For example, leaving bedrails down)
5- Surgical error
6- Poor communication between the healthcare team.
• Each presentation should consist of 15 – 20 slides minimum and
includes these elements in the following order:
o Cover sheet
o Outline
o Background about the problem
o Where does the incidence take place? Who is involved?
o What type of health policies have been violated?
o What is the impact of the violation on the patients
o Recommendations to address the violation.
o Reference
College of Health Sciences
• Each group start presents their case study on week 13 & week 14
and the leader of the group is responsible to submit the presentation
a day before the due date.

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