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Description Discussion Question: Discuss “internal and external validity errors that researchers should focus while conducting a


Discussion Question: Discuss “internal and

external validity errors that researchers

should focus while conducting a research


Instructions for Completing the Discussion


  • Your response should be a minimum of 5

sentences but should not exceed 250 words.

  • Appropriately cite the references.

Respond to at least 2 of your classmates by Saturday

4 May 2024 at 11:59 PM.

  • Your response to your classmate should be

substantive in nature for example:

a) State agreements and provide additional

supportive evidence or examples

b) Ask additional questions for clarification or

provide additional ideas or perspectives on the


c) Advance the participant’s ideas further by

providing additional references or support and

providing feedback on the participant’s

experience or perspectives.

d) State disagreements, It any, but provide

evidence or support, using professional tone

and netiquette.

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