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Description Interview Regarding a Healthcare Policy or Assessment  Financing healthcare is one of the greatest priorities for the healthcare system in


Interview Regarding a Healthcare Policy or Assessment 

Financing healthcare is one of the greatest priorities for the healthcare system in Saudi Arabia. While policymakers agree that more Saudi nationals need health insurance coverage, the debate often revolves around how it should be financed. Identify a healthcare professional who works primarily in the area of finance (e.g., Chief Financial Officer, Controller, etc.) and a specific policy that addresses the financial aspect of delivering healthcare. Contact the individual to conduct an interview about the policy.

Based on what you learned this week, be sure to include the following information in your interview:

Identify the interviewee, including their job title, place of employment, location, and how long they have been in the area of finance.

The goals and objectives of your interview.

Description of the finance policy.

  • What were some of the benefits of the policy?
  • What are the challenges of meeting the requirements outlined in the policy?
  • What can be done to improve the effectiveness of the policy? 
  • Here are some suggested questions:
  • What are the mission and vision statements for your organization?
  • How do these mission and vision statements assist in helping your organization focus on healthy living promotions?

How are the daily operations for your organization meeting policy? What are some of the areas that may lead to improvement regarding any policy updates?

What are some of the challenges that you are currently experiencing with your policy revisions?

  1. What are some of the benefits your policy is providing to patients or clients?
  2. What are some of the recommendations that you may have regarding policy improvement both internally and externally?

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