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Description MGT 510 – Dis 9 – Strategy Planning Trends in Strategic Management During this course you have learned that the business environment


MGT 510 – Dis 9 – Strategy Planning
Trends in Strategic Management
During this course you have learned that the business environment is in a state of constant change and
new circumstances will require new strategies and new approaches to implementing those strategies.
Apply what you have learned as you discuss the following questions.
1. Discuss the global business environment that is likely to develop in the next ten years.
2. Considering what you learned in the article, Sociocognitive Perspectives in Strategic
Management in this week’s required reading, which of the three topics areas identified in the
article do you think is most influential to strategic management in KSA and why?

Discuss the concepts, principles, and theories from your textbook.
Cite your textbooks and cite any other sources if appropriate.
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