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Directions · Go back to the last Paper and see what sources may help in writing this next Paper. You do not have to use all of them, but you will


· Go back to the last Paper and see what sources may help in writing this next Paper. You do not have to use all of them, but you will certainly use some.

· Get sources from 
Quantic FoundryLinks to an external site. to help provide data on the motivators and demographics. 

· Decide if there is enough info to provide an audience info about what the demographics think about the motivators and at least one clear reason why (for each). If there is move on. If not, find additional college appropriate sources to fill out the info. Quantic Foundry’s experts have done MANY scholarly essays, and Nick Yee also write a book, that you can find in the library. 

· Take the sources and create a full APA references page.

· Start with a correct APA title page.

· Have the References page follow, making sure to conform to APA formatting and citation guidelines. 

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