Discussion Question: Please provide at least a 250-word response, utilizing references from the text and/or supplemental reading. Please also be sure

Discussion Question:

Please provide at least a 250-word response, utilizing references from the text and/or supplemental reading. Please also be sure to respond to at least two of your peers on the forum.

For this learning module you had the chance to explore the role of auxiliary and capital budgets. These are obviously two very important concepts in business today. For this discussion question, please define the role of auxiliary and capital budgets from the theoretical standpoint. Offer the textbook definition and reflect specifically on the aspects of these definitions and how they relate to businesses today.

Discussion Question:

Please provide at least a 250-word response, utilizing references from the text and/or supplemental reading. Please also be sure to respond to at least two of your peers on the forum.

In this module, you had some opportunities to explore some economic perspectives on pricing and its ancillary impacts on the overall budget and enrollment cycles. What did you learn in these readings that could affect future work at a university working with enrollment projections? How do these new perspectives shape your understandings?

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