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Discussion Find an article using the APUS Library or the internet regarding one of the terms found in Chapter 1 or 2 readings. For example: Articles of


Find an article using the APUS Library or the internet regarding one of the terms found in Chapter 1 or 2 readings. For example:

  • Articles of Incorporation, S-Corporation, Limited Liability Company
  • Sarbanes-Oxley Act
  • Dodd-Frank Act
  • Time Value of Money
  • Insider Trading
  • Income Statement: Earnings per Share, Price-earnings Ratio
  • Balance Sheet: Liquidity, Net worth (Book value)
  • Statement of Cash Flows: Operating, Financing,

Your research should provide a measure of information about the topic’s significance to the current business climate. A minimum of 2 reference sources for a substantive response (approximately 300 words). Please cite and provide references.

Reference sources must be limited to the Wall Street Journal, Financial Times, New York Times, Barron’s, Investors’ Business Daily, The Economist, or an academic journal article from a respected accounting or finance journal. 

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