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Discussions Network:- What personal computing or network devices and resources do you have at home? How do you access the



What personal computing or network devices and resources do you have at home?

How do you access the Internet from your home and what network devices and IP addresses are used?  Please reply to 2 of your classmates.

Project Management:

1. What are some ways to effectively measure project performance?

2. What does SMART stand for and what is it used for.

Advance Database:

Discuss the UNDO and REDO techniques of recovery. What are the advantages and disadvantages of this technique?

Discuss how disaster recovery from catastrophic failures is handled.   


Class now that we know how to create a Java program lets focus on some of the behind the scenes or unseen areas.  Discuss two types of storage devices, categorize how data is stored on those devices, and finally discuss absolute and relative paths.

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