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Do not forget to show visual evidence (screenshots) of the main actions you took to answer the questions. Before every command, display the time

Do not forget to show visual evidence (screenshots) of the main actions you took to answer the questions.

Before every command, display the time using the “date” command and make sure it shows on your screen capture. Save them in a document file named “Question2_YourName.docx” and submit the file under this question.

You may perform the tasks in this question on any Linux system.   

1. Use the dmesg utility to tell me how much total memory you have installed on your Linux machine, and how much is currently available.   

2. In a Linux OS, what types of files are located in the /proc directory?   

3. Use the cat utility to display the content of /proc/meminfo. What is the total configured swap disk size, and how much is free currently? What does the “Dirty” field represent?   

4. What two attribute values from the output from q. 3 should a system administrator be monitoring constantly in order to avoid being surprised by a system crash?   

5. Use the privilege command “dmidecole –type 17” to display information about your RAM module. Who is the manufacturer of your RAM module?   

6. Use the “free” command to display your physical memory and your virtual memory capacities.

7. Use the privilege command “vmstat –slabs” to display your virtual memory and paging statistics. 

8. When the swap memory is used by the system, what is the implication on the system performance, as compared to when there is no need to use it? Do not forget to show visual evidence of the main actions you took to answer the questions.


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