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截止时间 6月7日 23:45

📖 Mujer sinvergüenza / Woman Without Shame: A Reading
by Sandra Cisneros in Conversation with Cherrie Moraga

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📖 Mujer sinvergüenza / Woman Without Shame

A Reading by Sandra Cisneros: In Conversation with Cherrie Moraga

It is my great pleasure to invite all of you to view the archived recording of a poetry reading by one of our
acclaimed course authors, Sandra Cisneros, in conversation with Xicana feminist, activist, writer, poet (and
Distinguished UCSB Professor of English) Cherri Moraga. This special event was curated by Moraga as part of
Las Maestras Center’s Latine Public Voice Series, in collaboration with the UCSB Multicultural Center (MCC). The
event took place at Santa Barbara City College BC Forum on Wednesday, March 6th at 6:00pm (PST). This was a
very special, FREE event! Please note you will receive double-extra credit points (up to 2% EC) for this event as it
entails watching the livestream reading and discussion.

How do I earn Extra Credit?

This live event too place on Wednesday, March 6th, 2024. Please visit the Las Maestras Center
( event page for more information, details and location. You can click
here to watch the LIVESTREAMED event on YouTube. (
Post a reflection on your experience to this discussion thread. Your reflection may be submitted in written (200
words minimum) or audio/visual format (minimum 2 minute recording).
At the top of your post, include the date of the event and any identifying information.
Feel free to talk about any aspect of the event that interests you. Be sure to include details that evidence you
indeed attended the event!
Post a ticket stub image, photo, video, screenshot, or documentary footage (any “proof” of attendance will

How much is this Extra Credit Opportunity Worth?

You will earn twenty (20) points per post.
Anyone who wishes to comment on a post will earn two (2) points per comment.
All extra points will be added to your cumulative course grade at the end of the quarter.

Extra Credit Submission Window: Open until Friday, June 7th @11:45pm

You can earn up to 3% Extra Credit in SPAN 139
If you have an event, activity or resource you think would serve as an interesting Extra Credit opportunity in
this course, please submit your idea to Profe Acosta.
All approved Extra Credit opportunities will be available on Canvas under the Extra Credit assignment group.

2024/6/4 13:07 主题: 📖 Mujer sinvergüenza / Woman Without Shame: A Reading by Sandra Cisneros in Conversation with Cherrie Moraga (E…



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2024/6/4 13:07 主题: 📖 Mujer sinvergüenza / Woman Without Shame: A Reading by Sandra Cisneros in Conversation with Cherrie Moraga (E…


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