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DropBox for Part C: School and Community Relationships for School Leaders Start Assignment Part C: Building a plan to create productive partnerships with

DropBox for Part C: School and Community Relationships for School Leaders

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Part C: Building a plan to create productive partnerships with specific entities.

After learning about and determining power structures, interviewing business owners, you will take the knowledge gained and continue developing your Community Relations Management for School Leadership Part C. 

Part C:  Define the community i(community around Oak Park Elementary school in Laurel, Mississippi) in economic terms, financial strengths/weaknesses, infrastructure, recreational resources, community geography/attractions, the structure of power/governance, and influence. Document your resources.  (The instructor will direct candidates as to how many interviews and/resources to include.)  (NELP 5.3, PSEL 8B)

Building a plan to create productive partnerships with specific entities.

In a one to the two-page (1-2 page) narrative, describe the following:

  1. Describe the community
  2. Provide specific examples of partnerships developed or planned that would open lines of communication between the school and community.
  3. Describe how you will Include governance, religious, economic entities for productive partnerships with the school.

Professional writing is your goal.  Be sure to follow APA format and use the rubric to ensure you have included all necessary requirements.

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