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Due 6/7/2024 Include references Answers should be short. 1. List the three tenants of the Cell Theory.   (MO 3.1) 2. Explain how a cell divides.  (MO

Due 6/7/2024 Include references

Answers should be short.

1. List the three tenants of the Cell Theory.   (MO 3.1)

2. Explain how a cell divides.  (MO 3.5)

3. Explain how stem cells and progenitor cells make possible the growth and repair of tissues.  (MO 3.7)

4. Compare and contrast anabolism and catabolism.  (MO 3.11)

5. Describe the role of enzymes in metabolic reactions.  (MO 3.12)

6. Compare and contrast DNA and RNA.  (MO 3.20)

7. Describe the steps of protein synthesis.  (MO 3.21)

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