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Effective images function by communicating the intended message of the brand or mission of a company. A visual analysis can help you explore the

Effective images function by communicating the intended message of the brand or mission of a company. A visual analysis can help you explore the effectiveness of images used in a business context to begin to see how they might be interpreted differently by customers with different backgrounds.

Visual Essay

Your task is to create a visual essay to explore how a topic or idea is communicated through images. A visual essay is a type of visual analysis that explores how images (logos, advertisements, etc.) convey certain messages. These ideas can be at surface level/literal or at a deeper level of meaning that requires the viewer to use context clues and design features to infer the intended message of the image.

What you will do is:

Choose one of the following topics or buzzwords: “green” living, fresh, local, savings/discounts, “box store,” online shopping, social media—or choose a retail buzzword you want to explore (be sure to ask your instructor if the term is acceptable).

Use the skills you learned in Using Images Legally to search the images tagged with this term.

Choose 8–10 images that you feel best convey the search term you chose and express a point of view on the topic.

Create a PowerPoint with a title slide and the 8–10 images on the rest of the slides (one image per slide). The images you use should be able to express a point of view on a particular topic all by themselves.

With each slide, provide a brief explanation on why you chose that image and how it conveys your message.

Essential Activities:

Reading Module 5 will assist you in writing your paper.

Watching the video, “Persuasive Presentation: How to make graphs more powerful” will assist you in writing your paper.


This paper must be formatted in APA Style 7th edition.

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