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Enron was the largest corporate fraud case in history, the energy company collapsed in 2001 for fraud. They misled investors, misled the public, and

Enron was the largest corporate fraud case in history, the energy company collapsed in 2001 for fraud. They misled investors, misled the public, and hid their true debt as wealth. Their unethical practices that rose the company led to their downfall and prosecution of their CEO Jeffrey Skilling. They used methods like Off-balance- sheets and market to market accounting to make it appear that profits were true. I do believe that the CEO was properly pushnished and convicted for his unethical practices while running Enron. I strongly agree that it took a while before the company and the fraud was found so for the future some regulation by the government should be used. Just to keep situations and scandals like Enron’s downfall to ever come close to reaccuring in the future.

Respond to at least two of your peers who focused on a company other than the one you selected. Offer your own perspectives on whether the CEOs and other corporate officers involved were justly held criminally responsible or not.

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