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   Evidence-Based Practice PEER RESPONSE Evidence Based Practice PEER RESPONSE Read a selection of your


Evidence-Based Practice


Evidence Based Practice


Read a selection of your colleagues’ blog posts and respond to at least two of your colleagues on two different days by supporting or expanding on their work thus far with their practice focused question. Work to share additional perspectives on the issue described by your colleague.


Friday Chidozie Nwabuisi

SundayJun 16 at 7:18pm

Manage Discussion Entry


Based on the initial four weeks of my practicum experience, focused on improving patient discharge processes, several key insights have emerged regarding what is working, what is not, and the potential changes needed to refine our approach.

What is Currently Working?

We have successfully identified that inconsistent and inadequate communication of discharge instructions is a significant issue leading to patient dissatisfaction and increased readmission rates. There has been effective collaboration with my preceptor and multidisciplinary team in gathering data, conducting interviews, and reviewing current processes. We have gathered preliminary data through staff interviews, patient surveys, and documentation reviews, which has provided insights into the specific areas needing improvement. The planned interventions, such as developing standardized discharge templates and implementing staff training, are supported by evidence from relevant studies.

What Has Not Worked?

There is some resistance among staff members to adopt new standardized procedures and templates. This resistance stems from a lack of clear understanding of the benefits and concerns about increased workload. Limited resources, particularly in terms of time and technological support for EHR integration, have slowed down the implementation process. While we have identified key stakeholders such as healthcare providers and patients, ongoing engagement and feedback mechanisms need enhancement to ensure sustained improvement.

Changes to Implement and Consider

Implementing a more robust feedback mechanism for patients and regular meetings with staff to address concerns and provide updates could enhance engagement and buy-in. Conducting targeted communication campaigns to educate staff about the benefits of standardized templates and providing them with the necessary training and support could mitigate resistance. Prioritizing resources for EHR integration and possibly seeking additional support from IT departments or external consultants could expedite the technological aspects of our intervention. Establishing clear metrics for success, such as reduction in readmission rates and improved patient satisfaction scores, will be crucial for ongoing evaluation of our interventions.

Supporting Evidence-Based Changes

The changes we propose, such as standardized discharge templates and staff training, are supported by evidence demonstrating their effectiveness in improving patient outcomes and reducing readmission rates. By aligning our interventions with these findings, we increase the likelihood of achieving positive outcomes in our healthcare setting.

Leadership Strategies

To effectively support the identified problem and its resolution, I plan to employ several leadership strategies:

1. Ensuring transparent communication with all stakeholders about the goals, benefits, and processes involved in the proposed changes.

2. Encouraging staff involvement in decision-making processes and providing opportunities for training and skill development.

3. Regularly monitoring progress, providing constructive feedback, and celebrating milestones to maintain motivation and momentum.

4. Remaining flexible to adapt strategies based on ongoing feedback and evaluation results to ensure continuous improvement.

Refinement of Practice-Focused Question

Initially, our practice-focused question centered on improving discharge communication processes. Based on the insights gained over the first four weeks, this question has been refined to emphasize how standardized templates and enhanced training can specifically address communication gaps to reduce readmission rates and enhance patient satisfaction.


While progress has been made in identifying and understanding the discharge communication problem, there are clear areas for improvement in terms of stakeholder engagement, addressing resistance to change, and optimizing resource allocation. By continuing to leverage evidence-based strategies and employing effective leadership techniques, we aim to implement sustainable improvements in our healthcare organization’s discharge processes.



Hansen, L. O., Young, R. S., Hinami, K., Leung, A., & Williams, M. V. (2019). Interventions to reduce 30-day rehospitalization: a systematic review. Annals of Internal Medicine, 155(8), 520-528.

Mugisha, F., Buwembo, T., Haruna, U., & Kiwale, T. (2020). Communication and Patient Outcomes: The Impact of Structured Discharge Planning on Readmission Rates in a Tertiary Hospital. Journal of Patient Experience, 7(6), 1190-1195.

Benson, L. A. (2021). 

Chapter 16: Aligning DNP practice with the mission and strategic priority of the organization.
The DNP professional: Translating value from classroom to practice. Slack. 



Rochelle George

SundayJun 16 at 7:31pm

Manage Discussion Entry

Hello professor and class,

I’ve been actively working with my team, developing my practice-focused inquiry, and identifying stakeholders for the last three weeks. So far, we have not identified any existing strategies or processes that are in place to assess and monitor provider burnout. Some challenges that are that providers will not continue to utilize the strategies long-term. Some changes that may be implemented is proposed modifications or enhancements to encourage providers to recognize and decrease burnout. Encouraging self-care practices among nursing staff is essential (Dang et al., 20210. Providing resources for stress management, mental health support, and wellness programs can help prevent burnout, which is supported by evidence.

I’ve improved my clinical question using the PICO framework, which ensures that my question is directly relevant to the problem at hand and guides my search for evidence. By formulating a precise question, narrowed my search for relevant evidence. I was engaged in regular team meetings, where we discussed our individual strengths, assigned roles, and established effective communication, which emphasizes collaboration, active listening, and mutual respect. I’ve actively contributed to brainstorming sessions, where we explore potential solutions and consider diverse perspectives. Identifying stakeholders has been pivotal. We’ve mapped out key players who have a vested interest in our project. Stakeholders include patients, healthcare providers, administrators, and policymakers. Understanding their needs and perspectives informs our approach (Gillespi & Melby, 2023). We brainstormed on how we may be able to reach the stakeholders through surveys, interviews, and focus groups to gather insights. As a team member, I’ve embraced several leadership strategies. I actively listen to team members and stakeholders, understanding their concerns and needs. I ensure that information flows smoothly within the team and to external stakeholders. I remain open to feedback and adjust our approach based on new insights. If and when disagreements arise, I encourage respectful dialogue and seek common ground. I remind the team of our shared purpose and keep us focused on our goals. Yes, I’ve refined my question based on feedback and additional research to ensure that our inquiry remains relevant and precise (Hunsakern et al., 2022).

My journey involves continuous learning, collaboration, and adaptability. By staying focused on our practice-focused question and leveraging effective leadership strategies, we aim to make a meaningful impact in healthcare.


Dang, D., Dearholt, S. L., Bissett, K., Ascenzi, J., & Whalen, M. (2021). 
Johns Hopkins evidence-based practice for nurses and healthcare professionals: Model and guidelines (4th ed.). Sigma Theta Tau International.

Gillespie, M, & Melby, V. (2023). Burnout among nursing staff in accident and emergency and acute medicine: a comparative study. 
Journal of Clinical Nursing, 12, 842 851. Retrieved from

Hunsaker, S., Chin-Chin, H., Maughan, D., & Heaston, S. (2022). Factors that influence the development of compassion fatigue, burnout, and compassion satisfaction in emergency department nurses. 
Journal of Nursing Scholarship, 47(2), 186 194.

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