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   Explain growth chart: what it is and how it’s  used to track a child’s growth over time. Discuss the height for the age and weight for age percentiles


Explain growth chart: what it is and how it’s  used to track a child’s growth over time. Discuss the height for the age and weight for age percentiles explaining what they mean.

Discuss BMI: Explain what BMI is and how it’s calculated. Discuss the child’s BMI and it’s percentile explaining what this means interms of the child’s health.

Diagnosis: Based on the percentile and BMI determine whether the child is underweight, normal weight, overweight or obese. Explain this to the parent.

Treatment plan: share a treatment plan which could include dietary changes increased physical activity or medical intervention if necessary.

Future steps: Discuss what the parent can do to help their child maintain or achieve a health weight. 

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