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   Find an online news article that is focused on a history topic that we have discussed in class (an event or person). It can be discussing the topic as


Find an online news article that is focused on a history topic that we have discussed in class (an event or person). It can be discussing the topic as a pure history lesson. OR it can be discussing a historical event to make a point about a current event, but it must be focused on the history topic, not the current event.  Do not send an article in which YOU are the one making a connection between a current event and a topic we discussed in class, the author must be doing so–and they must be mainly focused on the historical event, not the current one. 

These may not be older than six months and must be from legitimate news sources (Wikipedia is not a legitimate source, nor is–which is the History Channel’s website). The historical topic must be one that we have already covered in the first 2 modules.

Further, keep in mind that the easiest way to do this is to do a Google NEWS search for an event or person that we covered in lecture. (Do a Google search for a topic that interested you, then limit the results by clicking on the “news” filter). 



 Module Learning GoalsDuring this module, students will:

  1. Learn the methods Europeans employed to acquire and manage labor in colonial America
  2. Contemplate how slavery helped ingrain racism into the fabric of American culture
  3. Consider the fact that America has always been a land with a large diversity of peoples
  4. Explore the reasons why Americans appreciated being part of the British Empire
  5. Discover the role that British politics played in developing American ideology
  6. Learn why American ideology led the colonists to rebel against the British Empire

Module Student Outcomes
Upon the completion of this module, you will be able to:

  • Explain how and why the English empire expanded in America in the mid-seventeenth century.
  • Explain how slavery was established in the Western Atlantic world
  • Understand how American racism was largely a product of slavery
  • Consider how slavery still impacts and shapes American culture and society today
  • Describe why Colonial America attracted such a wide diversity of peoples
  • Explain how Colonial America tended to transform certain cultural institutions in a beneficial way for most Americans
  • Articulate the reasons why many American colonists began to rebel against England
  • Explain the ways that the American Revolution was an ironic event

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