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find attached question Module 07 Assignment – Sensory Perception Disorder Care Map Purpose of the

find attached question

Module 07 Assignment – Sensory Perception Disorder

Care Map

Purpose of the Assignment

1. Identify the importance of client compliance with a treatment regimen to prevent a permanent disability.

2. Describe the purpose of the treatment regimen in preventing complications of the disease process.

Course Competency

· Strategies for safe, effective multidimensional nursing practice when providing care for clients experiencing sensory and perception disorders.


Ms. Julia Jones, a 68-year-old African American woman, has just been diagnosed with primary open-angle glaucoma. Her ophthalmologist has explained the pathophysiology of the disease to her and is trying to select the best treatment option for her. You are the nurse working with the ophthalmologist, and Ms. Jones has asked you about the eye drops the doctor has recommended. Mrs. Jones’s physician has prescribed Combigan, one drop in the right eye every 12 hours. Your client has never administered eye drops and knows nothing about the medication her ophthalmologist prescribed. She is interested in how the medication works, the side effects, how it is administered, and why it is so important in treating her glaucoma.


Develop a care map for Mrs. Jones using this template.

In this table, include this information:

· Relevant data: Disease process, common lab work and diagnostics, and subjective, objective, and health history data

· Three NANDA-I approved nursing diagnoses

· One SMART goal for each nursing diagnosis

· Two nursing interventions provided with a supporting rationale for each SMART goal

· Two scholarly sources to support information in the care map.

· Cite sources in-text and on a reference page using APA format.

Relevant Data

Three NANDA-I Approved Nursing Diagnosis

One Smart Goal for
EACH Nursing Diagnosis

Two Nursing Interventions with Rationale for

Disease Process:

Common Lab work/Diagnostics:

Assessment Data (consider subjective, objective, and heath history):

Nursing Diagnosis:




Nursing Diagnosis:




Nursing Diagnosis:




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