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MMPA 6480: Evidence-Based Evaluation Methods

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Literature Synthesis

Literature Synthesis Tips:

• Define themes from the literature.

• Develop concepts from the literature.

• Draw conclusions for a topic.

• Use parenthetical citations to cite the articles contributing to the themes.

• Contrast and compare ideas using an analysis of information.

Contrasting the Literature Synthesis, Annotated Bibliography, and Literature

➢ Literature synthesis:
○ Overview: The literature synthesis provides an overview of the literature

in the form of themes that are provided in a narrative discussion.

○ Formatting: The literature synthesis contains parenthetical citations to

show the sources of the themes from the articles or texts.

○ Main component: The narrative provides themes on topics that lead to

conclusions about the information in the articles or texts.

○ Example:

▪ Defining themes for a literature synthesis will support ideas and

concepts (Forsythe, 2022). The themes come from comparing and

contrasting ideas to create an analysis of information (Forsythe,


➢ Annotated Bibliography:

o Overview: An annotated bibliography provides a summary of articles or


o Formatting: The annotated bibliography starts with a citation and then

has a paragraph with the summary of the article or text.

o Main component: The annotated bibliography provides important

concepts found in the article or text.

o Example:

▪ Forsythe, L. L. (2022). Writing a literature synthesis. Walden

University Journal ABC, 1(2).

Forsythe (2022) describes the importance of developing a clear and

precise narrative that defines themes in the literature.

In summary, the article defines the use of themes to support concepts or ideas
by comparing and contrasting information as an analysis.

MMPA 6480: Evidence-Based Evaluation Methods

© 2022 Walden University, LLC Page 2 of 2

➢ Literature review:

○ Overview: The literature review provides a narrative exploration of a topic

from an article or text.

○ Formatting: The literature review uses the author and year of publication

as a lead-in for the discussion.

○ Main components: The literature review provides an analysis of articles

that have already been assessed by a peer review for publication. The

review contains important information found in the article of text.

○ Example:

▪ Forsythe (2022) defines a path to developing a precise and

scholarly use of information that becomes a synthesis. As a

literature synthesis is formed, there is a process of comparing and

contrasting ideas to develop an analysis. This analysis reveals

themes from the literature.

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