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follow all directions  FINALIZE SELECTION OF A PROJECT AND FUNDER In last week’s Discussion, you proposed a project idea and explained why it might

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In last week’s Discussion, you proposed a project idea and explained why it might be attractive to funders. You also distinguished it from other projects that have tried to solve the same problem or meet the same need. As you have no doubt discovered, locating an RFP that aligns to your project idea is a big task. The search can be complex, requiring skilled use of key words, the capability to navigate different websites, and the ability to critically evaluate a funder’s mission and goals as well as its guidelines for funding. You also need to decide whether public or private funding is most desirable for you and consider why.

At this point in your review of the literature, it is a good idea to begin thinking about how you will support the need in your proposal. Proof of need might include numerical data/statistics (e.g., client-related, local, state, national). In other cases, surveys and/or focus groups might be required for collecting preliminary data that will support the need. As you look at evidence-based practices and/or what is currently being done to solve the problem or address the need, keep in mind that a funder will not fund an identical project, but if an applicant is proposing to build on what someone else has done, that might be acceptable.

With consideration to feedback received from your colleagues and to your continued review of the literature, in this Assignment you will finalize your project idea. In deciding upon a project, it is important to consider carefully the breadth of elements that will be addressed in the proposal. Although you will not have worked out all the issues yet, you should have confidence that you will be able to resolve them. From this project idea, you will continue through the steps of writing a grant proposal. Additionally, considering the feedback you received from your colleagues for the three RFPs you posted in last week’s discussion, and to the continued analysis of your search results for state, federal, and foundation grants, you will finalize your funder selection.

For this Assignment:

· Review this week’s Learning Resources.

· Review the Gitlin & Lyons textbook pp. 107–108 for information on Abstracts.

· Review a wide variety of grant RFPs. The funding agency grant can be either an active or a closed grant.

· While reviewing the RFPs, think of how you could use each grant in a project.

· When you find an RFP that matches your project idea, review the literature to determine if your project idea has been addressed in the way you are proposing. If it has, then move on until you have a novel project idea that can be funded by an RFP.

In a 3- to 5-page paper, address the following:

Part I:

· Provide the title or description of the grant for which you will apply. Add the most appropriate hyperlink (URL) for identifying the RFP.

· What makes you confident that this RFP is worth pursuing?

· How did you evaluate the RFPs?

· What type of search engine did you use?

· What are the selected funding agency’s goals and applicant eligibility?

· Finally, explain why you selected this RFP.

Part II:

· Locate the abstract section in the APA course paper template. In the abstract section of the template, write an abstract that does not go over one page and that includes the following:

· Describe your project. What are you proposing to do?

· Why is it significant and innovative?

· Explain what led you to this project.

· Describe the purpose of your project and why you believe it should be funded.

· Explain how and why your project is a better solution than what is currently being done to solve the problem.

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