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For this essay assignment, you are tasked with locating a company or business that has experienced an ethical issue within the last 5 years. In your essay,

For this essay assignment, you are tasked with locating a company or business that has experienced an ethical issue within the last 5 years. In your essay, you will include the following information:

the name of the company or business and a description of the ethical issue that took place,

a description of how the issue affected the company or business,

a description of how the ethical issue was handled by the company and whether you believe that the company was accountable and responsible in their handling of the issue, and

a description of how social responsibility might have helped prevent an ethical issue like this one.

Your essay should consist of at least two pages and at least two references should be used, one source must be from the CSU Library. Adhere to APA Style when creating citations and references for this assignment.

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