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Hi  Attached is the sample of Letter of recommendation  Please write about it accordingly  1. Write about author :AUTHOR WILL BE professor David


Attached is the sample of Letter of recommendation 

Please write about it accordingly 

1. Write about author :AUTHOR WILL BE professor David Kimble I will give links about his Biography write accordingly or you can use your own search engines about him to write it.

2 . How the Author knows the Applicant : He was my professor at University of the Potomac and write few stuff about it and also try to add my journals stuff accordingly (I will share the journals links )  Mostly focus on the data engineering side as my journals and my study is more about Data engineering.

3.The Petitioner’s achievement in terms of significance in the field: Mostly take points from my journals to include and write in a way to impress everyone and that could give me positive ways in my future.

4. Would the Author conclude that the applicant has indeed risen to the very top of their field

and why?: Write accordingly shared is a sample.

Professor Information links :


2 .

you can use your own search engines about the professor to write about him.

Links for the Journals of mine :

. 1. 



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