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Higher Education Option: Go to the State Higher Education Executive Officers Association website ( and locate the most recent Mississippi

Higher Education Option:

Go to the State Higher Education Executive Officers Association

website ( and locate the most recent Mississippi Higher

Education Finance report.

Select Mississippi and compare it to the U.S. Average in the

following categories:

● Public Higher Education Educational Appropriations per FTE:
Percent Change

● Net Tuition as a Percent of Total Educational Revenue
● Higher Education Support per Capita by State
● Percent of Tax Revenues Allocated to Higher Education by


In a 2 page paper:

1. Discuss where your state stands in relation to the national

2. Discuss the impact of this ranking on educational systems
within your state.

3. Discuss the impact of this ranking on educational leaders within
your state.

4. Discuss how the ranking (funding) impacts policy decisions
made at the campus level.

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