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Homework Content Imagine you are writing a professional social media post or blog on LinkedIn or another platform. You are evaluating your learnings from

Homework Content

Imagine you are writing a professional social media post or blog on LinkedIn or another platform. You are evaluating your learnings from your BSHA degree and how you’ll use those skills and experiences to excel in your health care career.

Write a 175- to 350-word blog addressing the following:

  • Of all the courses you have taken in this program (Healthcare Administration), which course or skill(s) will be most helpful as you imagine your professional future? (Please refer to the Facility Planning course)
  • Which career skills will you highlight on your résumé or cover letter? How could you speak to these?
  • Which career skills are you planning to continue to develop? Why?
  • What have you learned about yourself that might help you in the future in your career? How will this help you in your career search?
  • How have your goals for yourself and your career evolved over the duration of this program?

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