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homework help Educational Plan Week 5 Instructions: Based on the difference between the current state and desired state, state the identified

homework help

Educational Plan

Week 5
Instructions: Based on the difference between the current state and desired state, state the identified practice gap in the space below. Then indicate the learning need identified to address the practice gap
Identified Practice Gap Learning Need Identified to Address the Practice Gap
Week 6 Week 7
Instructions: Based on the learning need you identified in Week 5, state the desired learning outcome and the domain of learning. Then, write learning objectives that address the outcome for each of the three domains of learning and indicate the Bloom’s level. Finally, include three topics you would teach to address each learning objective. Instructions: Include an evaluation approach for levels 1-3 for either of the Learning Objectives you did not already address in this week’s Discussion. (You may choose to write evaluations for more than one objective.) Then, write a level 4 evaluation aligned to the Learning Outcome.
Desired Learning Outcome Domain of Learning Bloom’s Level Topics to Teach Level 1 Evaluation: Process
(Align to any Learning Objective)
Level 2 Evaluation: Learning
(Align to any Learning Objective)
Level 3 Evaluation: Behavior
(Align to any Learning Objective)
Level 4 Evaluation: Results
(Align to Learning Outcome)
Learning Objectives

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