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  How did Starbucks create its uniqueness in the first place? Why was the uniqueness so successful? To be a source of competitive advantage over


  1. How did Starbucks create its uniqueness in the first place? Why was the uniqueness so successful?
  2. To be a source of competitive advantage over time, core competencies need to be continuously honed and upgraded. Why and how did Starbucks lose its uniqueness and struggle in the mid-2000s? What strategic initiatives did Howard Schultz, following his return as a CEO in 2008, put in place to re-create Starbucks’ uniqueness?
  3. Howard Schultz, as the creator of the Starbucks brand that we know today, is a larger than life figure in the company and business community. Do you think it is difficult to follow such an iconic leader? Why, or why not?
  4. Compare the leadership of Howard Schultz and Kevin Johnson.


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