How much and when can you finish it Dr. Yahya Aldawood CLLS 406, Spring 2023-24 Clinical Rotation in Microbiology “CLLS 406” Student Name

How much and when can you finish it

Dr. Yahya Aldawood CLLS 406, Spring 2023-24

Clinical Rotation in Microbiology “CLLS 406”

Student Name :_________________________ Student ID :_________

List pathogens cause UTI?

Bacteria Fungi parasites Viruses

List of pathogens cause Lower respiratory infections:

Bacteria Fungi parasites Viruses

List of pathogens cause Meningitis:

Bacteria Fungi parasites Viruses

List of pathogens cause Meningitis in new born babies:

Bacteria Fungi parasites Viruses

Dr. Yahya Aldawood CLLS 406, Spring 2023-24

List of pathogens cause Meningitis in immunocompromised patients:

Bacteria Fungi parasites Viruses

List of pathogens cause Gastroenteritis and GIT infections:

Bacteria Fungi parasites Viruses

List of pathogens cause Upper respiratory infections:

Bacteria Fungi parasites Viruses

List of Blood pathogens:

Bacteria Fungi parasites Viruses

Dr. Yahya Aldawood CLLS 406, Spring 2023-24

List of Sextually transmitted pathogens:

Bacteria Fungi parasites Viruses

List of pathogens cause Vaginal infections:

Bacteria Fungi parasites Viruses

List of pathogens cause Hepatitis:

Bacteria Fungi parasites Viruses

List of pathogens cause Pericarditis:

Bacteria Fungi parasites Viruses

Dr. Yahya Aldawood CLLS 406, Spring 2023-24

List of Normal Flora in the Skin

Bacteria Fungi parasites Viruses

List of Normal Flora in the small intestine:

Bacteria Fungi parasites Viruses

Normal Flora in Colon:

Bacteria Fungi parasites Viruses

List of Normal Flora in Mouth:

Bacteria Fungi parasites Viruses

Dr. Yahya Aldawood CLLS 406, Spring 2023-24

List of Nosocomial pathogens:

Bacteria Fungi parasites Viruses

List of pathogens cause Eye infection:

Bacteria Fungi parasites Viruses

List of pathogens cause Nasal infection:

Bacteria Fungi parasites Viruses

List of pathogens that are “Obligate Anaerobe”

Bacteria Fungi parasites Viruses

Dr. Yahya Aldawood CLLS 406, Spring 2023-24

List of pathogens that can’t be stained with Gram stain


Pathogens That Infect during Pregnancy

Bacteria Fungi parasites Viruses

Obligate intracellular:

Bacteria Fungi parasites Viruses

The proper specimen for:

Dr. Yahya Aldawood CLLS 406, Spring 2023-24

Lower Respiratory Infection
Sore throat
Wound infection
Skin infection
Vaginal infections
Eye infection
Ear infection
GIT infection
Whooping cough

-Describe Kiby-Bauer antibiotic susceptibility test?

– Define the term “Normal Flora”

-Define “Nosocomial Infection”?

– What is the causative agent of “Malta Fever”?

– What is the causative agent of “Scarlet Fever’?

– What is “whooping cough”?

-What is “Syphilis”?

– What is “ Gonorrhea”?

-What is “ Tuberculosis”?

– What is “Leprosy”?

– What is “Lyme disease”? what is the causative agent?

Dr. Yahya Aldawood CLLS 406, Spring 2023-24

– Describe “ IMViC” test?

– Describe “API” test?

Type Hemolysis Definition Example of bacteria

– Describe Gram stain?
– Differentiate between Bacillary Dysentery and Amoebic Dysentery?

Bacillary Dysentery Amoebic Dysentery
Causative agent – –
Stool description – –
others – –

– Define Dysentery?
– Describe Acid Fast Staine?

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