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 How to work with a variety of sexual challenges, or sexual dysfunction Hide Folder Information Instructions This week, using Kaltura,

 How to work with a variety of sexual challenges, or sexual dysfunction

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This week, using Kaltura, you will create a podcast that will be a primer for therapists working with a variety of sexual challenges or sexual dysfunctions and how these could be approached using a systemic approach (e.g., not looking at the case/problem from an individual perspective).

Be sure your podcast addresses the following:

· Some of the possible sexual dysfunctions that you might encounter

· How you might approach working with sexual dysfunctions from a systemic lens

· What tools, techniques, and approaches that you would take if you were working with partners who were experiencing sexual dysfunctions.

Length: 5-7 minutes

References: Include a minimum of 4 scholarly resources.

The completed assignment should address all of the assignment requirements, exhibit evidence of concept knowledge, and demonstrate thoughtful consideration of the content presented in the course. The writing should integrate scholarly resources, reflect academic expectations and current APA standards, and adhere to Northcentral University’s Academic Integrity Policy.

When applicable, conduct a Turnitin pre-check and then upload your completed assignment and click the 
Submit to Dropbox button.

eek 10 Resources


An Integrative Model for Treatment of Sexual Desire Disorders: An Update of the Masters and Johnson Institute Approach

Schwartz, M.F., & Southern S. (2018). An integrative model for treatment of sexual desire disorders: An update of the Masters and Johnson Institute approach. 
The Family Journal, 26(2), 223-237.

This article provides a background to sexual disorders.


Good Enough Sex: An Interview with Barry McCarthy

Southern S. (2019). Good enough sex: An interview with Barry McCarthy. 
The Family Journal, 27(1),5-10.

This article presents an interview of the authors around sexual challenges and working with couples around sex.


Group Couples’ Intervention to Improve Sexual Health among Married Women in a Low-Income Community in Mumbai, India

Maitra, S., Schensul, S. L., Hallowell, B. D., Brault, M. A., & Nastasi, B. K. (2018). Group couples’ intervention to improve sexual health among married women in a low-income community in Mumbai, India. A. 
Journal of Marital and Family Therapy, 44(1), 73-89.

This article outlines how a group approach was done to serve couples in India experiencing sexual challenges.


Treating Comorbid Sexual Dysfunctions using the Intersystem Sex Therapy Approach

Davies, B., Gibbons, I., & Hughes, A. (2021). Treating comorbid sexual dysfunctions using the intersystem sex therapy approach. 
Contemporary Family Therapy, 43, 12–19.

This article discusses the background of sexual dysfunctions and interventions from a systemic lens.


Using Narrative Practices in a Group Sex Therapy Context

Darnell, C. (2018). Using Narrative practices in a group sex therapy context. 
Sexual and Relationship Therapy, 33(3), 286–297.

This article discusses group sex therapy ideas when looking at presenting problems that are identified around sex.


Kaltura User Guide

National University (2023). 
Kaltura User Guide. Graduate Studies Support Center.

This resource includes instructions for recording and uploading videos into courses using Kaltura.

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