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HRMT 301 Assignment 1 Due: After completion of Lessons 1–4 Credit weight: 25% of your final grade Expectations: 500–750 words Summary: Conducting a job

HRMT 301 Assignment 1 Due: After completion of Lessons 1–4 Credit weight: 25% of your final grade Expectations: 500–750 words Summary: Conducting a job analysis Format Prepare your assignment in a f

HRMT 301 Assignment 1

Due: After completion of Lessons 1–4

Credit weight: 25% of your final grade

Expectations: 500–750 words

Summary: Conducting a job analysis


Prepare your assignment in a format that is compatible with Microsoft Office. When naming your assignment file for submission, be sure to include your last name, the course name, and the assignment number, as in this example:


When your assignment is complete, return to the Assignment 1 link on the course website, and follow the instructions for submitting it.

Questions                                                                     (40 marks total)

1.            In your own words, explain the purpose of job analysis and why it is important.        (5 marks)

2.            Outline a job analysis for a position you have held or a position within an organization you are familiar with. 

Begin by explaining why you chose this job for your report, and then use the 12 steps of the “Guidelines for Conducting a Job Analysis” framework in Lesson 4 of your textbook (p. 146) to complete the job analysis.

Clearly label and apply each of the 12 steps in your job analysis. Include citations and references as appropriate.                                                                              (30 marks)

3.            Explain your choice of job analysis method (step 4 of the framework).      (5 marks)


·         Use headings and sub-headings to clearly indicate which parts of the assignment you are answering in each section of your response.

·         Your answers must demonstrate knowledge of the course materials and be based upon or reference an authority. Clearly reference any information that you quote directly or paraphrase, using APA Style.

·         All quotations and sources of ideas (paraphrased) should be identified by in-text citations and a reference list, including material from the textbook, course readings, course site, or any other source.

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