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I need Help Module 4 – Case PERSUASION AND BALANCE Assignment Overview This final

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Module 4 – Case


Assignment Overview

This final case assignment will help you expand your critical thinking and debate skills. In the workplace, employees must often support a professional point of view that may be contrary to personal beliefs. This assignment challenges students to understand “both sides” of a business issue and to consider different points of view. Both sides of the argument should be equally powerful so that the reader is unaware of the position that you advocate personally.

Case Assignment

Many organizations require that a prospective employee allow access to social media by company representatives to follow. Some companies will be upfront and let the potential new hire know that it is a requirement. For this Module 4 Case Assignment, provide the following to persuade your audience if companies should or should not look at prospective employees’ social media profiles. 

1. Use this attached 

APA 7th Assignment Template
 for this assignment.

2. Provide 3 examples of why companies should be allowed to view potential and current employees’ social media accounts (cite sources to support argument).

3. Provide 3 examples of why companies should not be allowed to view potential and current employees’ social media accounts (cite sources to support argument).

4. Conclude with your opinion on whether companies should or should not look at prospective employees’ social media profiles (2 to 3 paragraphs).

Case Assignment Expectations

1. The minimum length requirement for this Module SLP Assignment is 4 full pages (excluding Title and Reference pages). Include 3 scholarly sources. 

2. Provide an APA-formatted title page. Use the 

APA 7th Assignment Template

3. Include an introduction, a body using 3 scholarly sources cited to support your work, and a conclusion that aligns with your purpose statement, summarizes each section, and then wraps up into a final thought.

4. Provide an APA7-formatted References Page. See 

APA 7 “References” 

5. Upload your paper to the Case Dropbox before the assignment due date.

6. Proofread your work.



Student Support Resources


Trident APA LibGuides


Understanding Plagiarism


APA 7th template

Grading Note:

At Trident University International, rubrics are used for grading. These rubrics specify the points available for each component of an assignment. Points are earned based on the level of the work submitted. The rubric in the Case Dropbox is used for this Case Assignment.

Module 4 – Background


Required Reading

Case Required Readings 

Good Writing

Overcoming Barriers to Effective Written Communication

Making an Argument

SLP Required Readings 

Functions of the Presentation to Persuade

Sample Persuasive Speech

SLP Video

Record Your Presentation

Discussion Required Readings

Text, E-mail, and Netiquette

How to correct communication mistakes that spread workplace confusion

16 Best Practices for Email Etiquette in the Workplace

Don’t make these 11 annoying email mistakes that can drive your co-workers (and bosses) crazy

What I Learned About Digital Short-form Content

90% Open Rate? It’s Time to Invest in an eCommerce SMS Marketing Strategy

5 Ideas to Get Started with SMS/Text Messaging to Reach Customers & Prospects

WhatsApp is now delivering roughly 100 billion messages a day



Student Support Resources


Trident APA LibGuides


Understanding Plagiarism


APA 7th template

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