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MTE/510 v5

Analysis of Professional Communication

MTE/510 v5

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Analysis of Professional Communication

Complete Parts 1–4 below.

Part 1: Effective Communication Strategies and Resources

Conduct research online to identify at least 3 effective communication strategies and corresponding resources.
Use the chart below to
provide the information you researched. Add additional rows, if needed. An example is provided in the first row. In the table below do the following:

1. In column one, write the strategy that could be used for effective written and oral communication.

2. In column two, list the resource that corresponds to each strategy.

3. In column three, provide how to locate the resource, such as the website link.

Effective Communication Strategy

Resource Related to the Communication Strategy

Resource Location

Example: Ensure emails are professional and clear before sending them.





Part 2: Written-Communication Analysis

Select 1 educationally appropriate article as an example of written communication. This could include an external article (up to 10 pages long) related to this week’s topics and objectives, or an article included in this course.

Analyze the article you selected and 
complete the chart below by doing the following:

1. In the first column, a prompt is provided.

2. In the second column, write a response to the prompt.



Provide the article’s name and its URL. Cite the source in APA format.

Do you believe the article is an effective example of written communication? Explain your answer.

What are some of the article’s strengths in relation to written communication?

What are some of the article’s weaknesses in relation to written communication?

Is the article considered analytical or reflective writing? Explain your answer.

Part 3: Oral-Communication Analysis

Select 1 educationally appropriate video or podcast as an example of oral communication. Examples could include a:

· 2 to 5-minute video or podcast related to this week’s topics and objectives

· Video included in this course

Analyze the video or podcast you selected and 
complete the chart below by doing the following:

1. In the first column, a prompt is provided.

2. In the second column, write a response to the prompt.



Provide the name of the video or podcast and its URL. Cite the source in APA format.

Do you believe the video or podcast is an effective example of oral communication? Explain your answer.

What are some strengths of the video or podcast in relation to effective oral communication?

What are some weaknesses of the video or podcast in relation to effective oral communication?

Part 4: Social Media Communication Analysis

Select up to 3 resources that discuss the role of social media and digital technology in education. 

Analyze the resources you selected and 
complete the chart below by doing the following:

1. In the first column, a prompt is provided.

2. In the second column, write a response to the prompt for each resource you selected.



Provide the names of the resources and their URLs. Cite the sources in APA format.




What role does social media currently play in your life?

How do you foresee using social media or digital technology in your teacher preparation program?

What types of challenges do you anticipate in using social media in your preparation program or as an educator?

How do you anticipate using social media or digital technology as an educator?

Copyright 2022 by University of Phoenix. All rights reserved.

Copyright 2022 by University of Phoenix. All rights reserved.


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