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In 3-4 pages, evaluate human rights’ role in international relations. What role do you see for human rights going forward?  Incorporate the course-assigned

In 3-4 pages, evaluate human rights’ role in international relations. What role do you see for human rights going forward? 

Incorporate the course-assigned texts for weeks 1-4 only. No additional resources are needed. I want to see how well you can demonstrate what you learned in our class’s first part.

The assignment should be three to four double-spaced pages. Please remember to cite your sources in Chicago/ Turabian (parenthetical in-text citations) and write a reference list at the end of your work.

General Instructions for Assignments and RubricsAssignments should be written in Word. Use 12 pt. font and double-space your paper.  Be sure to put your name and class information on the document and put your name on the file.  Insert page numbers.

The ONLY texts permitted for references:

Human Rights and Global Governance: Power Politics Meets International Justice by William H. Meyer (Chapters 1-3)

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