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In this assignment, you will identify the consequences of the fall of humanity that leads to human suffering, and describe how a Christian organization

In this assignment, you will identify the consequences of the fall of humanity that leads to human suffering, and describe how a Christian organization fights back for creational purpose.

One of the central components of every worldview is the topic of human nature. The topic of human nature asks questions about human value, human flourishing, and human purpose. Within the Christian worldview, the issue of sin and the consequences of the fall factor prominently into the topic of human nature.

In the “Consequences of the Fall and Contemporary Response” three-part document, you will explore the topic of human nature from the perspective of the Christian worldview. The first part of the assignment involves examining the immediate implications of the fall. The second and third parts of the assignment address how the effects of the fall are still evident in the world today.

For Part Two and Part Three, you will select an organization from the “Christian Organizations That Address a Consequence of the Fall” list provided in the topic Resources.

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